What Does You May Know on Snapchat Mean?

what does you may know mean on snapchat

When Snapchat says You May Know someone, it is because it thinks both of you may know each other in some shape or form.

It can be a bit confusing when Snapchat says you may know someone if you have never spoken to them, have them in your contacts or never heard of them.

The “You May Know” tag will usually come up under the username of someone you could know. Snapchat usually thinks this because you have friends with similar mutual friends.

In this article, I’ll explain how Snapchat determines that you may know someone and why Snapchat is saying you may know them.

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Why Does Snapchat Say You May Know

Snapchat says you may know because it thinks you might know that Snapchat. In some way, Snapchat has linked both your accounts together to where it thinks that you’re both connected somehow.

Because it thinks you may know each other, Snapchat will indicate that you might know them with a tag under their username. This makes you more inclined to add the person.

Snapchat doesn’t recommend people you may know, it will only recommend them if it has hard ways it can link you two together, whether that’s through mutual friends or them being in your contacts.

If Snapchat doesn’t have any strong way to link you two, it will just say you may know that person. This only comes up when they have.

What is You May Know Based on?

You May Know usually shows up under someone’s name based on a few metrics that Snapchat uses to recommend that person. These are some of them below.

Mutual Friends

Another way Snapchat determines who you may know is through the mutual friends you have on Snapchat. If you have similar mutual friends with someone, Snapchat may think you know them.

This is because you might have met them through a mutual friend and so forth. Snapchat uses this and links you two together.

Usually, if you do have mutual friends with this person, Snapchat will indicate that you both have mutual friends under their username.

snapchat quick add

However, in this case, It could be that you have friends with with mutual friends to you. If you are confused as to why Snapchat doesn’t just say you have mutual friends, this is probably the reason why.

And if you did actually have friends you both have, Snapchat would just say that instead.

It also may be that you both had mutual friends that you don’t have anymore so Snapchat has gone off that basis instead.

Since Snapchat usually only recommends someone who has 2+ mutual friends, you might only have 1 mutual friend with this person which is why Snapchat can’t go off the “mutual Friend” basis.

Snapchatters in Your Contacts

Another way Snapchat determines that you might know someone is if you have them in your contacts. Usually, when you do have someone in your contacts, Snapchat will say “IN MY CONTACTS”.

Because this person is in your contacts, Snapchat will think you may know them. In most cases, this wouldn’t be why you see this tag below someone’s name.

If this was the case, you would know why you know them and wouldn’t be confused as to how Snapchat recommended you both.

Another possibility could be that, that person has you in their contacts. Because you might not know them well, you won’t know that they have you in their phone book.

When they have you, Snapchat doesn’t have any tags for this so they will usually end up using the “You May Know” tag.

Similar Interests

Another way Snapchat determines that you may know someone is because you guys have similar interests. One of the similar interests could be that you are subscribed to people in a similar location.

When this happens, it could indicate that you guys are into similar things from the same area. Because of this, it could be concluded that you know them. It could also be that Snapchat links both of you based on location.

For example, if you are both in the same part of the city, Snapchat will take this into consideration.

If you guys have both followed similar people then this is another way Snapchat would link the both of you together. However, this would usually be smaller accounts such as influencers who aren’t as big.

The content you engage with will also be taken into account but it’s unlikely it will be based on this.

Does the Other Person See You May Know

Yes, the other person will see You May Know. But only if they are about to add you.

If Snapchat thinks that you both need to see it then it will show it for both of you. Especially if the links it has made are strong.

“You May Know” only shows up when you’re about to add someone. It doesn’t show up on the Quick Add section of Snapchat. So if the person you may know is about to add you, it will also show up then as in the images above.

You guys will never be recommended to each other as Snapchat is not fully sure that you guys have things in common such as being in each other’s contacts, having the same friends, or other things Snapchat usually recommends in Quick Add.

When you do add this person, Snapchat will not say Added from You May Know, like it does when someone adds you by Username or adds you by search on Snapchat.


By now you should know why Snapchat says that you may know someone. The way Snapchat usually determines this is through ways they link you together.

The main reason Snapchat thinks you might know someone is because you have friends that have mutual friends with each other.

Another way they determine this is that you both have similar interests. Maybe you are subbed to similar people who have liked to same pages or are even in the same area.

The best way to get a conclusive answer on this is to add the person and just ask them and you will never fully know why Snapchat has linked both of you together.

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